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Treat yourself with a chilled glass of Kairi Panha and get refreshed | Aam Panha | Gharwalaswad

By Chetan | Jun 12, 2021

Kairi Panha | Aam Panha | Raw Mango Drink is a simple and refreshing summer drink packed with Vitamin C.

Kairi is a Marathi word for raw mango. During summers, in the regions, which have scorching heat Kairi Panha is a widely enjoyed drink. Many stalls can be found on the roadside serving this refreshing drink. It not only quenches your thirst but also helps to prevent you from any summer stroke.

Let's check out the recipe this simple.


  1. 1 raw mango pulp
  2. 1 tsp black salt
  3. 1 tsp salt
  4. Handful of fresh pudina leaves
  5. 1 tbsp roasted cumin powder
  6. 2 glasses of water

Servings: 2 glasses

Cuisine: Maharashtra, India

Total time: 10 mins


You can check out the video recipe here -

  1. Prepare raw mango pulp by boiling 1 raw mango in a pressure cooker for 10-15 mins. Collect the pulp and let it cool down.
  2. In a mixer jar, add raw mango pulp. Based on the tanginess of the mango, you can adjust the quantity of pulp. If you think the quantity is too much, you can store it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.
  3. Add 1 tsp of black and normal salt.
  4. Add 1 tbsp of roasted cumin powder. It gives a nice flavor.
  5. Add 3-4 tbsp of sugar and adjust it as per your taste. You can replace sugar with jaggery if you want to cut out sugar.
  6. Pour two glasses of water. You can adjust the quantity if you want to dilute the taste of the raw mango.
  7. Add a handful of fresh pudina leaves, which act as a coolant. It is optional.
  8. Blend the mixture well and, the Kairi Panha is ready to serve.
  9. Add few ice cubes and serve it chilled.
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